Arthritis & Musculo-Skeletal

The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, swelling, redness and limited movements.

The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, swelling, redness and limited movements. Patients having joint injuries, inactive lifestyle, diabetes, thyroid problems, overweight, smoking; and those females having their uterus removed are at higher risk of developing arthritis. The most common causes of muscle pain are tension, stress, overuse and minor injuries:



Wear-and-tear damage to cartilage can result in bone grinding directly on bone, which causes pain and restricted movements. Knees are common sites.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The body’s immune system wrongly attacks joints and inflame the joint membrane. The disease can eventually destroy cartilage and bone within the joint


occurs when high level of uric acid accumulates in your joint as urate crystals, causing sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness in joints, often on the big toe. Increased intake of liver, sardines, sweetbreads, meats, cauliflower, shell fishes, mushrooms, spinach, alcohol etc are risk factors.

Shoulder Pain

Frozen Shoulder can occur after an injury or prolonged movement restriction. Frozen shoulder begin gradually (painful stage), worsen over time (frozen stage) and then resolve (thrawing stage), within 1-2 years. Impingement Syndrome occurs when there is impinge of tendons from bones.

Elbow Pain

Tennis Elbow is an overuse and muscle strain injury. You may feel pain on outside of your elbow while shake hands, turn a doorknob, hold a coffee cup, carry weight or while laundry your clothes. Golfer’s elbow occurs similar to tennis elbow which occurs on the inside of your elbow.

Wrist / Ankle Pain

Wrist pain can be caused by repetitive stress, arthritis and due to Carpal tunnel syndrome. Ankle pain is mostly caused by sudden twisting injuries that result in sprains.

Heel Pain

Over exertion, poorly fitting footwear and excess weight can cause pain and inflammation on the soles – called Plantar Fascitis. Calcaneal Spur is a small bony projection that is formed on the heel bone caused by putting too much pressure on the feet, usually over a long period.

Knee Pain

Collateral and Cruciate Ligament injuries are very painful and can unstable the knee joint. The meniscus – a tough, rubbery cartilage – can be torn if you suddenly twist your knee while bearing weight on it. Running & jumping sports are at risk to develop Patellar tendinitis and other knee injuries.


IPatients experience pain on specific points – Back of the head, between shoulder, top of shoulders, front sides of neck, upper chest, outer elbows, upper & sides of hips, inner knees etc. Pain may be accompanied by fatigue, sleep, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression.As per Ayurveda, Vata Imbalance located in your muscles, tendons and ligaments and joints will cause pains and aches. Marma are vital points throughout the body particularly seen at your joints. Injury to these vital points can also cause a sudden onset of significant pain, bruising, severe swelling, and restricted movement.

Vaidyashala Ayurveda Centretherapies & medications can safely and effectively reduce inflammation in your muscles and joints which relieves pain and prevent joint damage. Vaidyashala Ayurveda Centretherapies give clinically significant improvement in arthritis and musculo-skeletal problems with the added advantage of lesser side-effects.

knee injuries.


•Upanaham – Bandage with Ayurvedic oils and Herbal pastes

•Lepam – Application of herbal pastes reduce swelling and pains rapidly

•Abhyangam – Oil massage

•Udgharshanam- Rubdown with herbal powder

•Udvarthanam – Oil therapy preceded by rubbing with herbal powder

•Kizhi – application of warm herbal compress

•Janu vasthy – retention of oil on knees

•Pizhichil – drizzling of medicated oil from a particular height

•Ekanga Dhara – drizzling of medicated oil from a particular height on the affected area

•Nasya – Medicated nasal drops are very effective in Shoulder & Neck pains

•Virechanam – purgation or laxative therapy

•Vasthy – enema therapy


•Pathya (Favor): Old cereals of barley, wheat, Navara rice, brown rice; Soups of birds, green gram, added with ghee; Asparagus and milk. Stick to gentle exercises, such as walking or swimming.

•Apathya (Reduce or Avoid): Salty, sour, pungent, alkaline, uncooked food; meat of aquatic and marshy animals, oil-cakes, radish, horse gram, black gram, sprouts, sesame, sugar cane, curd, vinegar, alcohol, incompatible food, eating during indigestion, day-sleep. Avoid exercising on painful or swollen joints.

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Shyam Vishwanathan