
Healing Hearts. Saving Lives

The Department of Cardiology at LLH Hospital, Abu Dhabi, provides comprehensive care for patients with heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions requiring specialized cardiovascular care. Our board-certified cardiologists perform a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including coronary angiography, heart catheterization, coronary artery bypass surgery, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), carotid endarterectomy, peripheral angioplasty, and stenting. The department is equipped with modern technologies, including a digital electrocardiography machine, 24-hour Holter monitor, cardiac CT scanner, and MRI. In addition to providing comprehensive medical assistance to patients in need of cardiology treatment, we also provide preventive measures that help prevent cardiovascular complications.



Electrocardiogram (ECG) 

Holter Monitoring 

Color Doppler Echocardiography  

Stress Echocardiography   

Trans-Esophageal Echocardiography  

Treadmill Testing (TMT)   

Cardiac Emergencies    

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LLH Abu Dhabi Specialties